We LOVE Student-Led Conferences! We are excited to host conferences on the evening of February 15th, 2024! Student-led conferences allow your child/children to demonstrate their understanding of grade-level content by actively reading passages, showcasing written responses, solving math problems, and setting goals for the remainder of the year. Your child will work directly with you to demonstrate their learning while the classroom teacher attends as an observer rather than an active participant. You must plan to participate in this conference with your child as they will prepare in advance and be disappointed if they cannot show you their ability and growth. A third-quarter conference is also mandatory for each child, per Stanly County Schools instructional leadership team. The Student-Led Conference will satisfy this requirement for your child. If you cannot attend, consider allowing another guardian to take your place. Each conference will last approximately 30 minutes. If you wish to have a traditional parent conference with your child’s teacher we ask that you schedule that visit for another day as they will be facilitating conferences for multiple children during this event.
This drop-in event will be held between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm on the evening of February 15th. We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing siblings or other children who do not attend East Albemarle to the conference to minimize the number of individuals in the classroom.
As an incentive for your participation, your child’s classroom will compete to win a super sweet treat! The three classes with the highest participation will win. Your child will want their classroom to have the highest participation for the Student-Led Conference event!
UPDATE for students in Mr. Herlocker's class:
Mr. Herlocker will hold Student-Led Conferences for his students on Monday, February 19th, 2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. This date and time are different from the regularly scheduled school-wide event on February 15th because Mr. Herlocker will be absent from school the week of February 12th - 16th, 2024. He will be attending a professional development session out of town.